Thoughts Thoughts: 5th Korean Night Festival

Three weekends ago I went to the 5th Korean Night Festival organized by Daehan Korean Language School (in case you are wondering, that’s where I am taking up my Korean lessons). Initially I wasn’t really too keen on going since I did not have anyone to go with (what can I say, I am a shy person heh): DramaQueen was not willing to fork out S$15-19 for the ticket (though strangely enough she was willing to spend on G-Dragon’s VIP tickets), and most of my other friends (not learning Korean) were either busy or not really interested (me thinks it’s the fact that you have to pay to go, say it’s free and you have a very long queue of ‘eager’ people – goes to show how skin-deep we really are haha).

And so I procrastinated and missed out on the early bird offer (S$15). When the early bird offer ended, one of my classmates persuaded/convinced (the power of peer pressure indeed) me to go (wahaha), and so go I did. I was curious about what the event was about and had to offer anyways…

Before I realized it was already time for the event, and I found myself at *Scape, bombarded (somewhat) with Korean culture. It is pretty amazing how enthusiastic and involved people can be when (very) interested in something; immersing into another world or different culture.

5th Korean Night Festival Singapore
*Scape and the 5th Korean Night Festival Singapore

This year’s theme was apparently “Running Man”, so there were some games from the show. Those who wanted to participate had to sign up prior (in groups) in order to get to play them on the day. There were stations where the games were played by those who signed up, while the rest of us just looked on as spectators. Still it was pretty interesting.

5th Korean Night Festival Singapore
A group of people playing one of the Running Man games at one of the scattered stations

There was even a station for trying out traditional costumes and having your picture taken. Unfortunately, no one was manning this station at the time (we chanced upon it), even when we wanted to try them on (maybe we had the wrong timing). We gave up on that idea since it was soon time to enter the venue.
5th Korean Night Festival Singapore
Clothes station.. don't they look pretty? ^^
Korean Goody Bag
The Goody Bag! Food, vouchers, T.O.P and Teenage Mag

Everyone queued and waited to enter the venue, and when it was time to go in we were stamped on the hand, handed a goody bag and ushered into the (warehouse) room (which could apparently seat about 600 people).

So what was the Korean Night Festival about? Well, it basically was a night of celebration (of sorts) of Korean culture, aiming to promote its vibrancy and diversity.

5th Korean Night Festival Singapore

What it was (inside the venue) was an entertaining blend of cultural dance, Taekwondo showcase (there was this little girl who was simply adorable!), and K-pop performance(s) by Studio De S’s dance crew and Australian/Korean singer Jay Song, intertwined with intervals of what it really was about, the singing/dancing competition (which was open to all, they just had to audition, I think).

There was even a wicked beat-boxing performance...

Not to mention a singing collaboration between the principle of Daehan and his brothers (who flew all the way from Korea just to perform together!

Speaking of the dancing/singing competition, the judges for that were the director (can't remember her name) of Studio De S, Australian/Korean singer Jay Song and our very own Patricia Mok (she was a riot!).

The event ended with some pretty yo-yo (lights) stunts display and a finale dance item.

It was amazing how many sponsors Daehan managed to secure (e.g. Teenage Magazine, Lotte, Studio De S, Korean Tourism Board etc…). There was even a lucky draw with the grand prize being a pair of tickets to Korea (courtesy of the Korean Tourism Board)!

Overall, it was an enriching and interesting experience, save for the particular group of screaming girls seated behind, who screamed hysterically and over-enthusiastically whenever their favorite song - not singer not artiste and most definitely not an actual person per se – was played during the performances by the contestants. Now that, I cannot comprehend: if the actual “famous” person was there, perhaps I could understand (nah.. I still wouldn’t) but it was just audio and they were hysterically screaming as if their lives depended on it. I would very much opt to hear that kind of screaming at a ‘real’ concert (not that I would pay to hear overly ‘enthusiastic’ fans screaming into my ear, but it comes with the territory and is something you have to bear tolerate ‘live’ with if you want to attend enjoy concerts lol).

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