Traveling? Take a prepaid phone with you!

Planning your vacation can be quite exhausting. You have to think about how to get there, where to stay and what to do. And when you have done all that, you have to figure out what you have to pack! Then the question rises if you should take your smartphone with you. Nowadays smartphones are the gadgets that are most often stolen, lost or get broken during traveling. This kind of hurts, especially if you have a new phone that has cost you a lot of money. But it is not only the money you lose, it is your whole life. Photos, messages, music and all the other content that is saved on your mobile - it will all be gone. The best thing you can do is to leave your smartphone at home.

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What do I do without my smartphone?

But what do I do without my phone? When you leave your smartphone at home, it doesn't mean you cannot communicate, take photos or use the internet. You can always take a cheap prepaid phone with you. Not only is it less awful if anything happens to that device, it could also save you from surprisingly high bills at the end of the month. You just top up a certain amount and use it till you are out of credit.

How do I top up a prepaid phone?

There are many carriers that operate all over the world, for example Orange and Vodafone. You can buy an old fashioned scratchcard and top up your credit with the code. Or you can top up your phone credit online. Then it doesn't matter where you are or when you want recharge. So you can even do it when you are already on vacation and need more credit. You can easily top up your credit on On the website you can recharge the credit of more than 300 carriers in over 70 countries. It is even possible to top up the credit of family and friends!

Do you have a vacation ahead? Prepare for your travels and take a prepaid phone with you! 

Tip: check if your carrier will work with the wireless mobile networks on your location.
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