Esplanade 13 Steps: In the Affair of Cats & Dogs, the Government's Involved and So Shall We

13 Steps is located at the Esplanade’s main entrance, named after the 13 steps at the concourse, it is the centre’s most prominent site-specific arts exhibition space. Some time early this year when I was there for the Bibap Beatbox Action Comedy, DramaQueen and I were asked to view the proposed art installations at Esplanade's Lower Concourse. The overall favorite artwork would be showcased at the Concourse from Oct-Dec 2012. We both had voted for "In the Affair of Cats & Dogs, the Government's Involved and So Shall We". So it was a pleasant surprise to see what we had voted become reality after watching FLYING. We were able to see that space transformed from its miniature form into its larger than life manifestation.

In the Affair of Cats & Dogs, the Government's Involved and So Shall We
From its miniature...
Esplanade 13 Steps
... and the previous art installation
In the Affair of Cats & Dogs, the Government's Involved and So Shall We
... to its current installation piece "In the Affair of Cats & Dogs, the Government's Involved and So Shall We"
 The one I really liked was In the Affair of Cats & Dogs, the Government's Involved and So Shall We mainly due to my love of animals and the intricacy of the miniature cats and dogs. As mentioned in the previous post, the message this piece brings is heart-warming and hopefully cause  people to pause and think about the feelings of of living beings. They may just be animals, but how we treat them reflects what and how we regard not only to other forms of life, but humans as well. The stray population, is unfortunately a by-product of our fast paced lifestyle being able to afford the things we like, getting things on an impulse and quickly changing our minds; where something as precious as the live of animals and sometimes even humans are regarded just commodities that can be easily replaced or discarded.

Cats and Dogs
Cats and Dogs
Cats and Dogs
Cats and Dogs

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