Harry Potter Exhibition Singapore - Photo Download Lessons

As LuttiSparrow pointed out in her previous post about the Harry Potter Exhibition, which is currently being held Singapore until the end of this month (September), is something that Harry Potter fans might want to take a look at. Although it is a small exhibition, Harry Potter fans should find some love with it somewhere.

The souvenirs are expensive and the photos (which they make you take against a green screen and superimpose it on some cool Harry Potter themed backgrounds) are just as pricy. If you are interested in purchasing the photos, you get to choose from 5 different themed backgrounds. One photo costs S$30 and 3 photos cost S$50 with includes the softcopy which you can download. Though pricy, if you really want the photos, 3 photos for S$50 with the softcopy (which you have to download from the website) is more worth it.

It seems simple enough, pay the money, get the hardcopy photos, go back home or to the nearest computer, go to the website, enter the photo code and download photo. The question is, what happens when there is a technical glitch that prevents you from getting those downloads, you misplace the receipts (eventually) and/or you have no idea who to contact (not stated on the website and there is no response when you send an email via the photo download website)? For those who have the hardcopy photos, the photo codes are printed on them so there is some form of recovery.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, yes, all of the above happened:
  • There was a technical glitch - photos could not be downloaded.
  • Receipts were misplaced (eventually), making it even more challenging.
  • Hardcopies were not on hand and it took some time to retrieve the photo codes printed on them.

Thankfully the issue was promptly and efficiently resolved by Pictureworks, the imaging partner for Harry Potter the Exhibition.

Lessons learnt:

  • Make sure to ask the exhibition/show staff when the photos will be uploaded and who to contact should there be an issue.
  • Clearly identify which are the photo codes that are to be used, especially in the case when there is more than one instance of the word photo code on multiple receipts.
  • Try not to misplace the receipts/hardcopy.
  • When sending an email for assistance on the photo download website and there is no response, try contacting the venue (e.g. Marina Bay Sands) which hopefully forwards it to the relevant parties.

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