A Supposedly Usual Day at the (doggie) Spa

*All characters appearing in below excerpt are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental (lol).*
She haughtily sauntered into the shop with a bag filled with doggie treats, ignoring the adorable mascot dogs that had come up to ‘greet’ her. One would find it odd, that having a dog (or two) of her own, that she would look upon the mascot dogs with disdain and slight irritancy as they approached her happily thinking that the treats were for them. With a determined look on her face, she approached the counter and snobbishly requested attention to a service she required.

Her disposition soon took a turn for the worse when she was not instantly attended to. And to add insult to her pride, her records could not be found due to a recent system update. More than upset, and since it was only her second visit, she readily snapped at the unfortunate receptionist who apologetically apologized as she handed over the form to be completed once again. This was the beginning of a mini drama as she grudgingly handed over the re-completed form.

Within minutes she “ripped a new one” onto the receptionist (who maintained polite throughout) when she could not get an appointment timeslot she wanted - one that was not within the normal operation hours. All that could be heard of her was her saying and repeating something along the lines of, “This is ridiculous! And I don’t care. I only know one thing and that is money talks.”

As she was getting incessantly difficult to handle, the manager on site tried to defuse the situation by stepping in to see if there could be some sort of compromise. Seeing that some importance was given to her - the fact that the manager voluntarily took notice of her instead of her screaming for attention -, she softened a little as the manager tried to explain to her that it was beyond the shop to accede to her (ridiculous) request. Alas, it was to no avail and she literally stomped out (hoping that someone would run after her perhaps?), but she had forgotten to take along her bag of dog treats.

When she realized her folly, the shop’s staff went an extra mile to help her locate her (self) misplaced bag; all the while managing to keep their cool, being professional and polite (as humanly possible) about it.

It takes effort and patience when dealing with difficult customers, even more so trying to main professionalism at the same time (without coming across as rude). And that is one of the aspects I admire about the Petopia team; they have managed to have a standard of professionalism (thus far); which is not easy to achieve much less maintain. There may have been some changes along the way, but since my doggy still looks forward to going for his spa sessions, they must be doing something right. They are a business (first and foremost), and while there might be some hit and misses (sometimes), they are a business that has a heart for the animals which makes them easy to relate to since they own furry friends of their own.

Petopia Singapore - Spa Therapy Review
The dog is mine but the photo is from Petopia's Facebook ^^

It has been almost a year since my doggy went for his spa sessions. The spa sessions started out as a last resort to rid him of the musky bad odor that was plaguing his body and his incessantly scratching and biting (not to mention pulling out his own fur), which left his hind paws raw, sore and in patches without fur. He was also a little bit of an anti-social (since he was attacked by another dog when he was a puppy). But since his first visit till today, not only has his odor ceased, but his biting and pulling out his fur has also stopped, even his temperament has improved! 
Petopia Singapore - Spa Therapy Review
The dog is mine but the photo is from Petopia's Facebook ^^

He is now not so panicky and grumpy at other dogs (in fact both him and Oscar are now able to look at each other in the face without incident!). The spa (package) is equivalent to that of a human, so its not exactly cheap but it was definitely worth the money. If you are thinking of giving your fluffy best friend an occasional treat, you could consider the spa options and give it a try. There’s even transport available for those who would require it. ^^ Read about my doggie’s initial spa experience here and see the transformed pretty paws that don’t make you cringe!

Seeing that his spa package has come to an end and that his condition has improved (yea!), I have decided to let him try out the grooming instead with the occasional spa session or two as a treat. Sending him for grooming would definitely be better than allowing a stubborn Ddy who insists he is always right and knows best: using cold water and turning on the fan for 4-6 hours, combing the doggy’s fur in a weird fashion, not drying it properly, cutting the whiskers (whenever he feels like it) and using human soap for the doggy (!). ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀ No wonder the doggy feels so blissful and relaxec when he goes for his spa sessions! I mean look at his face! (✿◠‿◠)

Petopia Singapore - Spa Therapy Review
The dog is mine but the photo is from Petopia's Facebook ^^


26 Jalan Kelulut, Seletar Hills Estate, Singapore 809043
http://www.petopia.sg/  | Facebook

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When travel collides with a byte, a unit of information made up of bits, TravelBytez is formed: snippets of ramblings on travel, food, shopping, living and anything else that comes to mind.


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