Here are some promo codes you can use for your bookings via Klook:
If you are not yet a member at Klook, sign up here and get S$4.30 off your first transaction! 😊
For Singapore users, do note if you book via Shopback, you can earn cashback or rebates!
[Review for Shopback’s Cashback]
- GBP11 off Klook activities, with a minimum spend of GBP150 - 1 Time use only, for EU users - EU11OFF
- Save 5% off on all tours and activities in Japan and South Korea. Valid for EU & UK residents only Save 5% off o - CherryBlossom5
- Save 8% off on everything in all destinations. Valid for EU & UK residents, New Users only - NEW8OFF
- Applicable Platform: Only valid on APP Get 10% off your 1st booking - APP10TW
- 15% on your first booking on mobile app only - BetterOnApp
- 5% on your first booking on mobile app only - BetterOnApp2
- Save 5% off on your 1st hotel booking on the app - HotelOnApp
- Indian users only, 1-time use. Min spend 8,000 INR, max discount 1,600 INR. - HOLI2024
- Applicable Platform: All Limited to Indian users, 1 time use only. - SGMASTIGOLD
- 富邦J卡結帳獨享優惠,Klook日韓商品滿4000折300 - MEGA882403
- Klook全站消費滿NT$2000折NT$400 - KJCB2301
- 以華南信用卡結帳,享Klook全海外商品單筆消費滿8000折400。- HUWNANOB2440003
- HSBC Credit Cardmembers with Singapore phone number and residence only. -HSBCCHERRYB50
Going to Japan?
- Get 20% off Selected Sakura Tours & Activities in Japan - JPSAKURA20
- 10% off on Japan private airport transfer (NRT/HND) - HK24JP10
- 20% off TOKYO SKYTREE® Ticket - [Early Bird] Tembo Deck / [Early Bird] Tembo Deck + Galleria. - CB24SKY20
- 15% OFF Solaniwa Onsen Ticket in Osaka - CB24SO15
- 40% off <JR Kyushu Train Luggage Transportation Service> - KYUSKU40OFF
- 20% off Hakone Freepass Voucher - HAKONEPASS20
- 7折|西武鐵道一日券 - HKSEIBU30
- <Nagasaki Huis Ten Bosch> 8折 - HUISTENBOSCH20
- 京都鐵道博物館|買1送1- CB27246
- 綁定JCB極緻卡結帳,全日本交通商品單筆訂單滿NT$3000折NT$800 - KJCBMB2403
- 刷JCB指定卡全站消費滿NT$2500折NT$400- KJCB2403
- โค้ดมีจำนวนจำกัด ใช้ได้เฉพาะ 5-31 มี.ค. 2567 ลด 10% สูงสุด 1,200 เมื่อจองกิจกรรมในญี่ปุ่น ขั้นต่ำ 10,000. - JPDN1200OFF
Going to South Korea?
- Get 20% Off selected Cherry Blossom Tours & Activities in Korea - KRSAKURA20
- 韓國無限量網卡|8折 - CB72100
- Discount 5% max 500,000 VND minspend 2,000,000 VND. Applicable to almost JP, KR and TW activities for all user on Klook app. - ANHDAO5OFF
Going to Singapore?
- 20% Off on all Michelin products in Singapore - MY20OFFMICHELINSG
- Resort World Sentosa Promotion - RWS50OFF
- 刷星展銀行指定信用卡 享Klook新加坡商品滿NT$3000折NT$800- DBSSG800
- 刷星展銀行指定信用卡 享Klook新加坡飯店商品82折- DBSSGHOT82
Going to Thailand?
- 20% Off on all Michelin products in Thailand - MY20OFFMICHELINTH
- Get 6% off up to 150.- when booking any activities at least 1,800. - KLKEVERYDAY
- 10% off on private airport transfers in Thailand (HKT only) - SK24HKT10
- 10% off on private airport transfers in Thailand (BKK & DMK only) - SK24BK10
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